About Local Heritage Listing

Local listing is the creation of a non-statutory register of historic buildings, sites, monuments and landscapes. By highlighting the value of these heritage assets to a local area, we can see what makes that area unique and what is important to local residents. Local listing can help to protect these places through the planning system

To ensure that the list is a reflection of local significance, it relies on community involvement to nominate the historic buildings, sites and places that are important to an area. Anyone can register to nominate a heritage asset - whether you’re an interested individual or a special interest or civic group, this is a chance to have a say on your local heritage.

Once nominated, candidates will be assessed against agreed selection criteria for local listing. Information submitted will also be added to the South Yorkshire Historic Environment Record. This is a record maintained by South Yorkshire Archaeology Service, about evidence for changes in our historic environment over time - you can consult information on the South Yorkshire record here.

By nominating a candidate, you can share what makes where you live special and highlight the rich heritage of South Yorkshire. 

The creation of South Yorkshire's Local Heritage List is being funded as part of a wider campaign by the Ministry of Communities Housing & Local Government, to encourage local people to be involved with the protection of their own heritage.