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South Yorkshire Local Heritage List (Staging)

Working for Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham & Sheffield

- South Yorkshire Local Heritage List (Staging)
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South Yorkshire Local Heritage List (Staging)

Working for Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham & Sheffield

How will Local Heritage Assets be Identified and Assessed?

Once a heritage asset has been put forward to be added to the Local Heritage List, it will be assessed against a number of criteria to determine its suitability for inclusion. This assessment will be carried out by a panel with relevant knowledge and experience.

Heritage assets will be classified into one of five types:

  • Buildings/Structures
  • Parks, Gardens and Designed Landscapes
  • Archaeological Sites
  • Commemorative Monuments/Memorials/Statues
  • Places/Areas

Once the asset type has been identified, the nomination will be considered in relation to the following seven criteria which are based on themes set out by Historic England in their Advice Note 7 – Local Heritage Listing: Identifying and Conserving Local Heritage. The details to be considered under these criteria have been tailored for each asset type to highlight aspects that have a special significance and importance in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham & Sheffield.



Architectural & Artistic Interest

Archaeological Interest

Historic Interest incl. Social & Communal Value

Landmark Status

Group Value