East Cambridgeshire

East Cambridgeshire is a varied district which ranges from the open flatlands of the Fens to the rolling downs around Newmarket and it contains a wealth of heritage, from traditional cottages, chapels and schools through to wartime airfields and phoneboxes. Local Heritage Lists help to highlight key heritage assets, which are of special local interest and shape the character of a district.

East Cambridgeshire adopted their Register of Buildings of Local Interest in 2017 but it is incomplete and does not currently include large parts of the district. The current project, which is being undertaken in collaboration with the other Cambridgeshire authorities, is an ideal opportunity to extend the List’s coverage and ensure that it is more consistent and complete. There are a number of priorities across the district for further research, including:

  • Schools
  • Chapels
  • Vicarages, rectories & manses
  • Village halls & reading rooms
  • Estate cottages
  • War memorials
  • Military heritage
  • Parks & cemeteries
  • Examples of traditional construction (eg thatch, timber framing)