A wide variety of buildings, sites and structures may be considered for inclusion. To help us review nominated assets we have grouped these into four main categories. These are outlined below together with some examples of the kinds of assets that could be nominated.
- Buildings - historic or particularly important modern buildings.
- Parks and gardens - historic or commemorative parks and gardens, or notable designed or managed landscapes.
- Landmarks, Art Work or Way finders - monuments, statues, public works of art, signage or street furniture and historic road or paving surfaces.
- Other sites, structures or landscape features - locally important sites or areas including archaeological sites and features.
Helpful Questions
- Can more information be provided about the asset type? i.e. if it is a building - is it a dwelling, a public or religious building or an industrial site? If a public work of art - was it created collaboratively or by a local artist? What are landmarks and monuments constructed from and do they commemorate a person or event? Does the site structure or feature have importance together with other related features?