
None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Medieval farmstead in Highfield Shaw Wood uncovered during farm digging OVERGROWN WALLS, TILES (RED SANDY 2 PEGHOLES), HOLLOWAYS, SIMILAR TO EXCAVATED SADLER'S WOOD SITE. DUG INTO BY FARMHAND. REVEALED FLINT, CLAY, LIME MORTAR BUILDINGS. FOOTPATH ON W. SIDE ON 6IN. MAP NOW SUNKEN TRACKWAY. ON LEVEL FLAT TOP OF S. FACING SPUR ABOVE SPRING LINE. FOUND BY C. CHAMBERS. (B1) Site visited 1985, 1986 & 1989 by Oxford City and County Museum Field Dept, details of earthwork interpretation and site condition filed (B2). Letter regarding site to interested member of public from C J Bond (OCCM Field section) (B3). History of whole area, including archaeology and earthwork survey (B4).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Medieval farmstead in Highfield Shaw Wood uncovered during farm digging

Images and Documents

Date Listed
