
None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Earthwork enclosure of a Romano-British settlement or farmstead in Common Wood. Dimensions - Length 0070 m Width 0050 Plan Form - TRAPEZOIDAL ENCLOSURE WITH SLIGHT EXTERNAL BANK & SHALLOW INTERNAL DITCH 2M WIDE. N (?M), S (70M) & W (50M) SIDES LOCATED & E TRACED FOR C.120M, PASSING SMALL POND WITHIN. UNCLEAR IF CIRCUIT COMPLETE. W TURN OFF E SIDE LOCATED AT ITS N END. NGR VERY APPROX. DATE/ FUNCTION??. FOUND BY MS R ROBINSON, 1987 (B1). Extensive survey and trial trenching carried out by Chess Valley Archaeological and Historical Society in 2003, 2004 and 2005 established that the enclosure was Romano-British in date and had probably been in domestic use, although iron smelting also seems to have been taking place. See report for detail (B5). LIDAR survey carried out in 2015 identified the eastern bank of the enclosure and also an adjoining ovoid enclosure to the east with a curving bank and inner ditch and measuring 115m by 80m. See article for details and LIDAR plot (B6). Iron slag fragments reported by John Morris in 2007 (B7).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Earthwork enclosure of a Romano-British settlement or farmstead in Common Wood.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
