
None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Medieval moat and bailey recorded in field survey at Jenkin's Wood Dimensions - Length 0210 m Width 0150 Plan Form - SUBRECTANGULAR LOW BANK (4M HIGH) & DITCH RUNS CLOSE TO WOOD BOUNDARY. SMALLER SUBRECTANGULAR MOAT-LIKE ENCLOSURE, 90 X 40M ENCLOSED BY PERIMETER BANK IN S CORNER. UNEVEN GROUND WITHIN MAY INDICATE BUILDING. WHOLE A MOAT & BAILEY TYPE (CF REDDINGWICK, BRAY'S WOOD). BAULKS OF LARGER ENCLOSURE FORM PATH NUN'S WALK (B1-2) The planned route for HS2 passes within 70 metres of these earthworks, cutting through footpaths which provide access. Activities associated with HS2 construction will certainly endanger the preservation of this historic monument (B5).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Medieval moat and bailey recorded in field survey at Jenkin's Wood

Images and Documents

Date Listed
