
None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Medieval house platforms, hollow-way and ridge and furrow recorded on aerial photographs and by test pitting and GPS survey GOOD & EXTENSIVE EVIDENCE OF VILLAGE SHRINKAGE: HOUSE PLATFORMS, HOLLOW WAYS, CLOSES ETC, NOTED ON AIR PHOTO. PRESENT CONDITION UNKNOWN (B1). Aerial photographs taken in 1996 show ridge and furrow to the east, house platforms and tofts, and hollow way (B2). 18 test pits excavated in the area of settlement earthworks and adjacent properties in July and August 2003 as part of the Whittlewood Project. A number of test pits included compact limestone surfaces, interpreted as domestic floor and yard surfaces, deposits of stone rubble interpreted as the remains of demolished buildings; whilst test pit 7, sited on earthworks interpreted as a manorial enclosure where geophysical survey had indicated the remains of a substantial building, located the foundations of a sizeable building, probably the manor house. Pottery finds indicated that occupation of the village commenced in the later 10th century north of the church and expanded southwards and eastwards from 1100 to about 1250. In the mid 13th century the construction of the large manorial complex resulted in a radical replanning of the village, with regular rectangular crofts created to the north, south and east. The newly created crofts appear to have been abandoned by 1450 as the village contracted to its original settlement core north of the church and the manorial complex also appears to have been abandoned. See report for detail (B3).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Medieval house platforms, hollow-way and ridge and furrow recorded on aerial photographs and by test pitting and GPS survey

Images and Documents

Date Listed
