Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic at Denham Area 4


None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Early Mesolithic flint scatter recorded in evaluation at Denham Area 4 A significant Early Mesolithic in situ scatter associated with bone remains was located on the western slope of the Rusholt Brook gravel island, within test pit 276 (later expanded to test pit 597). A small number of worked flints, including blades, flakes and a projectile point as well as wild boar bones and a tusk, were recovered from a grey silty clay alluvium deposit. This deposit was 0.3m - 0.35m in depth and was laid directly below the topsoil and overlay a pale yellowish brown alluvium. A radiocarbon date of 9131+/-45 BP (NZA-19005), or 8530-8260 cal BC, was obtained from the boar's tusk, dating the assemblage to the early post-glacial, which was consistent with the technologically diagnostic traits of the worked flint assemblage. The artefacts and faunal material did not occur in a single 'physical' horizon within the deposit but randomly throughout (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Early Mesolithic flint scatter recorded in evaluation at Denham Area 4

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Date Listed
