Weighbridge building at New Mills


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Twentieth century weighbridge and weighbridge office at New Mills. Weighbridge shown on 1:1,250 scale maps of 1974, 1989 and 2003/4, weighbridge office shown on 1:1250 scale maps of 1989 and 2003/4. No further information (B11). An Avery weighbridge thought to be of relatively recent date bearing the name “Avery Birmingham, England” at one end and the number 38416-598 at the other. It is adjacent to a summerhouse, a small, rectangular painted timber building with a pyramidal plain clay tiled roof, currently difficult to see since it is covered in a rambling rose. This may have been used as the weighbridge office. (B1) this is a significant building/building of note within the conservation area.


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Twentieth century weighbridge and weighbridge office at New Mills.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
