Milepost on A404
None recorded
18th or 19th Century milepost on A404 near Woodrow, may be missing
Probable eighteenth or nineteenth century metal milepost in ditch on A404 between Wycome and Amersham. Present in poor codition in 1995. Painted white with lettering in black. Triangular shape. Part of top missing original sides 13 by 17 inches, now 12 by 10 inches. Inscription on top: ' …. FIELD 26' ( ? Hatfield). Eastern face: 'WICOMBE 5 READING 24'. Western face: 'AMERSHAM 2'. On OS map as milestone. No suitable height recorded near this NGR on modern OS.
[ Drawings, location and photographs available ] (B1).
Confirmed by handwritten notes on one inch OS map (1835) Bucks sheet 42 page 5 of notes.High Wycombe, Hazelmere, Amersham (F3/F4) route. Inscription Amersham 2 Wycombe 5. Now in Centre for Bucks Studies. Recorded as not found on page F same document.under Mile Stones [Hatfield] Chenies to Henley. Number 5 on 1" OS (1835).On OS 1". [ Handwritten notes consulted ] (B2).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
18th or 19th Century milepost on A404 near Woodrow, may be missingDate Listed