Milepost on A413
None recorded
18th to 19th Century milepost on A413 at Maids Moreton
Probable eighteenth or nineteenth century cast iron milepost on A413 in Duck Lane outside Buckingham Arms PH in Maids Moreton. On Milestones Society website updated 2010 as national ID number BU_BUTW01 on Buckingham to Towcester route, present in 2002. On west sde of road. 45cm wide 25cm deep 87cm high. 'This is a local building of note within the Maids Moreton conservation area'. Inscription: left side: BUCKINGHAM 1 MILE TOWCESTER 9 MILES: right side: TOWCESTER 9 MILES BUCKINGHAM 1 MILE. [ Photograph, detailed description and location] (B1).
Cast iron marker painted white. A Building of Note within the Conservation Area of Maids Moreton (B2).
Confirmed by handwritten notes on microfiched OSD surveyors drawings (1814 ). On Buckingham to Akeley route (G1). From Bucks County Museum sheet 13 museum number XIII/XII page 1 of notes now in Centre for Bucks Studies. [Handwritten notes] (B3).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
18th to 19th Century milepost on A413 at Maids MoretonDate Listed