The Old Vicarage, Whaddon


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Large 1930's building siuated to the south of St. Mary's Church, which has a dinstinct 30's feel to architectural style which is unique in Whaddon. 1930's building. Large building siuated to the south of St. Mary's Church. Set within trees and surrounded by countryside. Attractive half hipped roof with hipped dormers.- has dinstinct 30's feel to architectural style which is unique in Whaddon. This is a local building of note within the Conservation Area of Whaddon. (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Large 1930's building siuated to the south of St. Mary's Church, which has a dinstinct 30's feel to architectural style which is unique in Whaddon.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
