Green Farm Cottage and Marlings, Fawley Green


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Eighteenth century timber framed house, formerly thatched. To the north of the Green lies the semi-detached Green Farm Cottage and Marlings. Green Farm Cottage is an attractive vernacular cottage of flint, with exposed timber framing on the gable end. It originally housed farm workers, tied to Fawley Green Farm, which used to stand adjacent in various architectural forms until 1999 when the modern Airdlair House was built. By the early part of the 20th century Green Farm Cottage was inhabited by the village washerwoman – the wash house remains in the garden. At some stage an upper floor was introduced to the cottage and a number of eaves level dormers inserted. In 1976 the thatch caught fire, and the roof was rebuilt in tile. At the same time the agricultural building attached to Green Farm Cottage was replaced with the traditionally styled dwelling that stands today – Marlings. The buildings are partly hidden behind traditional beech hedging and the roofline makes a pleasing contribution to the north side of the Green. A significant building within the Conservation Area of Fawley Green (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Eighteenth century timber framed house, formerly thatched.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
