Chapel Cottage, Chapel Hill


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Late seventeenth or early eighteenth century house, possibly once used as a Nonconformist chapel. Chapel Cottage on Chapel Hill is a three bay dwelling with a single story addition to the right. It has a hipped tiled roof and brick built chimney. The chimney was originally external with the left bay a later addition. The front door has had a 20th century enclosed porch built on with a tiled, gabled roof. The windows are irregular wooden casements, the first floor windows each having a single horizontal bar. The house is rendered and painted white but appears to be late 17th or early 18th century construction. One theory is that the house was registered for nonconformist worship at some time and has retained the name Chapel Cottage ever since. A significant building within Speen Conservation Area (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Late seventeenth or early eighteenth century house, possibly once used as a Nonconformist chapel.

Images and Documents

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