The Rest and Weymouth Lodge


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Two single houses, simular style, built in the 1890s. Detached houses of similar style. 1890s. Red brick with ornate tile hanging to upper storey on Weymouth Lodge whilst The Rest has painted pebble dash. Full height bay with half-timbered front gable with patterned barge board. Sash windows suggest earlier date. Ridge crests on hipped roofs. Porch with pitched roof and ornate timber pattern. Steps up to front door. Long stair window. (Mandarin House (formerly Riverholme) omitted from table because of inappropriate replacement windows and doors). This is a local building of note within the Conservation Area of Taplow Riverside. (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Two single houses, simular style, built in the 1890s.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
