38 Badminton House- Marsham Way


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Single House designed in 1913 Building of local note. Designed by Robert Muir and built for William E Preston, a leading bank manager. Trademark Muir hipped roofs and chimney stacks but on a larger scale. Sash multi-paned windows. The modern Doric porch and large window to the left of the door are out of character and have spoiled the composition. Previously a hipped roof porch. Now subdivided. Former coach house is 1 Vicarage Way. Designed in 1913 by Sarvis, Wood and Muir. This is a Building of Note within the Conservation Area of Gerrards Cross Centenary. (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Single House designed in 1913

Images and Documents

Date Listed
