25 Wayneflete Lodge - South Park Drive


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Single house designed in 1907 Local landmark building. One of the three lodges to Orchehill House, built 1840s, two of which remain (the other is Raylands Lodge, Bulstrode Way in the Common Conservation Area). 1907 extensions/alterations. It faces Lower Road which was originally the turnpike road from London to Amersham. The large extension prevented the listing of this building but the work is in character and the building remains significant for its historic associations and picturesque appearance. Rendered with slate roofs with clay ridge tiles. Tall brick chimneys. The style matches that of Orchehill House. Designed in 1907 by Robinson and Roods. This is a local building of note within the Conservation Area of Gerrards Cross Centenary. (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Single house designed in 1907

Images and Documents

Date Listed
