4 and 6 - Station Road


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Group of builduings designed in 1907 Built in 1907 for the butcher Henry Bonsey. Date on metal rain head. Highly unusual buildings with Art Nouveau influence in the design. Three storeys high, with double loggia of Tuscan columns at first floor level with 2 semi-circular (thermae) windows set in the loggia. Round window between loggias. Central small rounded gable with pitched gables either side. Old photographs show that elements of the original interesting shop front survive (See History pp.53 & 54) as does some of the original black and white tiled pavement. Buildings in need of repair. Designed in 1907 by Kerkham Burgess and Myers. This is a local building of note within the Conservation Area of Gerrards Cross Centenary. (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Group of builduings designed in 1907

Images and Documents

Date Listed
