11 The Bolt - East Common
None recorded
Single house designed in 1922
Probably the house originally called Dargle (see above) plans for which were approved on 27th June 1922 for Mr Coward, designed by the prominent West End practice of Hoare & Wheeler. A picturesque house, rendered and colourwashed pale pink with white quoins. Hipped Welsh slate roof and projecting west wing. Door set behind a gable timber porch with lattice sides. Sash windows with glazing bars. The front railings have recently been replaced with a white picket fence which contributes to the rural Common character. Later but sympathetic detached garage with pitched slate roof, two doors separated by a post to retain the vertical emphasis and with an oculus in the gable This is a local building of note within the Conservation Area of Gerrards Cross Centenary. (B1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Single house designed in 1922Date Listed