15 Frederick Street


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Late nineteenth century semi-detached house One half off a pair of semi-detached 19th century brick buildings with shallow pitched slate roof and central mid-ridge brick chimney. Buildings orientated so that their ridgeline runs parallel with the carriageway. Each building is two storeys and two bays wide. Stone plaque on which is written Hill View Cottages is positioned between first floor windows. Modern ground floor panel door flanked by timber sash window beneath brick arch. First floor timber sash. The building retains much of its original character and fabric and is significant in terms of its form, outline and relationship the street. Both buildings have lost their original frontage boundaries and the small area between the building line and the carriageway is used for off street parking. A Local Building of Note within the Conservation Area (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Late nineteenth century semi-detached house

Images and Documents

Date Listed
