Ramblers, Main Road
None recorded
Late nineteenth or early twentieth century house.
Built in the late 19th century or early 20th century by the Rev. Bonus on the site of four cottages. This is an unusual building because it is partially constructed of flint. The building sits on a relatively large plot and is very visible. In its design it picks up on elements of architectural detailing found in 19th century buildings within the village, namely a relatively steeply pitched gable roof, overhanging eaves, prominent chimney stacks and combinations of materials. The brick boundary wall running along the road frontage is also unusual in both its design and its construction material. This is an attractive and visually prominent building that makes a positive visual contribution to the character and appearance of the village. A 'Local Building of Note' within the Conservation Area of Buckland (B1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Late nineteenth or early twentieth century house.Date Listed