The Old Rectory, Main Road


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Late nineteenth century rectory built between 1864 and 1904, now a house. Built by the Rev Bonus between 1864 and 1904. This is a large building constructed of stone, set within large grounds. In its scale, the size of the plot and the choice of building materials, The Old Rectory is clearly intended to be viewed as a status building. Although it is largely obscured from view by trees, glimpses of it are gained across the open field from the Lower Icknield Way. The building is also locally significant because it was built for the Rev Bonus who was a prominent figure within late 19th century Buckland. A 'Local Building of Note' within the Conservation Area of Buckland (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Late nineteenth century rectory built between 1864 and 1904, now a house.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
