114 High Street


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Early twentieth century Rothschild Estate building, formerly a shoe shop and now converted to a house. Former shoe shop converted to domestic use. Two story building forming part of a group with 110 and 112, High Street. Positioned towards the front of its plot on slightly raised ground, this building is a prominent feature within the street scene. The building sits beneath a steeply pitched gable roof, laid in slate and the ridgeline of which runs parallel with the carriageway. The eaves line of the principal elevation are broken by gabled dormers, the apex of which are articulated with painted applied timber arranged to form a decorative pattern and interspersed with pebbledash. A similar arrangement adorns the apex of each gable. Ground floor constructed of brick, upper storey articulated with decorative hung tiles. Windows have unfortunately been replaced , but nevertheless in terms of its form, massing, proportions and decorative detailing, this building retains much of its Rothschild estate character. A Local Building of Note within the Conservation Area (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Early twentieth century Rothschild Estate building, formerly a shoe shop and now converted to a house.

Images and Documents

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