1 & 3 Church Street, Quainton
None recorded
Pair of late C19 estate style cottages.
Pair of C19 estate style cottages. Semi detached. Set a short distance back from and elevated
slightly above the road. Main range of one and a half storeys runs parallel with the road with two
centrally positioned two storey gabled extensions extending forward towards the carriageway.
Centrally positioned brick chimney stack. The roof of the buildings are very steeply pitched and laid
in plain clay tiles, as is typical of C19 estate cottages. Also typical is the decorative wooden
vergeboard detailing to the two storey dormer wings. Centrally positioned windows to ground and
first floor of road elevation. Unfortunately the original windows have been lost, but the distinctive
Tudor hoodmoulds survive. Red brick stringcourse at cill level of first floor windows. Later
extensions. These building are important because they are visually attractive examples of late C19 estate buildings. They retain many of their original characteristics and architectural detailing which makes them so instantly recognisable as estate cottages. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (B1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Pair of late C19 estate style cottages.Date Listed