8 Upper Street, Quainton
None recorded
Late C18 or early C19 building, probably two cottages originally.
Detached building, thought originally to have been two cottages. Dates from late C18 or early C19.
Set back from the road and partially obscured by hedging along the front boundary. Two storeys
beneath a shallow pitched gable roof laid in slate. Irregularly positioned brick chimney stacks
constructed of buff and red bricks. The building is rendered with interesting circular pattern on first
floor between first and second bay from the left (facing). Two storey canted bay to right with slate
roof. Entrance door contained beneath an open gabled porch supported on thin columns. Modern
windows within what appears to be original openings. Despite later alterations, 8, Upper Street is a
visually attractive. The building forms part of a group with 10, Upper Street which is similar in scale,
form and materials. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Late C18 or early C19 building, probably two cottages originally.Date Listed