6 Lower Street, Quainton
None recorded
Late C19 building, originally more than one cottage.
Late C19 brick building, (originally more than one cottage) positioned close to the front of its plot.
Two storeys, the building sits beneath a shallow pitched gable roof laid in slates. Brick chimney
stack positioned on the ridgeline. Walls are constructed of buff coloured brick with red/orange brick
used to articulate fenestration openings and quoins. Three 8 over 8 timber sash windows to first
floor, two 8 over 8 sashes and a tripartite sash to ground floor with two doorways now clocked. All
openings to ground floor contained beneath red brick arches. This building maintains much of its
original, form, character and significance. It is prominently positioned and its, form, architectural
detailing and use of contrasting coloured materials make it a visually attractive and eye catching
building which makes a positive contribution to the street scene. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Late C19 building, originally more than one cottage.Date Listed