5, 7 and 9 North End Road, Quainton
None recorded
Late C19 or early C20 terrace of three cottages.
Late C19 or early C20 terrace of three cottages. Situated towards the front of their plot on the
western side of North End Road. Two storeys in height, the buildings sit beneath a gabled roof,
laid in slate, the ridgeline of which runs parallel with the carriageway. The ridgeline is punctuated
by brick end and ridge chimney stacks. The buildings are constructed of red/orange brick and are
very simple in their articulation. Fenestration patterns are regular. Although the original doors and
windows have been lost, the original openings remain as do the basic form, massing and outline of
the buildings. They are attractive buildings which form part of a group of late C19 and early C20
buildings which mark a period of significant development and change within the village. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Late C19 or early C20 terrace of three cottages.Date Listed
06 Aug 2024