5 and 7 Station Road, Quainton


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Late C18 or possibly early C19 building. Late C18 or possibly early C19 building prominently positioned towards the front of its plot on the eastern side of Station Road. The range to the rear is two storeys and sits beneath a half-hipped roof, the ridgeline of which runs parallel with the carriageway. At the right hand end (facing) of the building is what appears to be a later two storey plain brick gable extension and single storey porch. The main range of the building is rendered. The fenestration to both ranges has been altered and the original windows lost. The form, massing and outline of this building remains relatively unaltered and is in keeping with the those of surrounding historic buildings. Despite alterations the building makes a positive visual contribution to the character and appearance of Station Road. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Late C18 or possibly early C19 building.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
