11 Station Road, Quainton


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Two storey rendered cottage which may be of significant age and may originally have been thatched. Two storey rendered cottage situated a short distance back within its plot on the eastern side of Station Road. This building is difficult to age, but its form, scale, asymmetrical elevation and steeply pitched roof all indicate building of a significant age. The small scale character of the building is similar to other buildings within the village for example 16 and 19, Lower Street. The steep pitch of the gable roof, now laid in plain clay tiles, may indicate that the building was originally thatched. The irregular fenestration pattern and smallness of the opening which create a solid to void ratio all suggest a building of historic interest. Despite alterations, the building is attractive and makes a positive contribution to both the character and the appearance of the Conservation Area. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Two storey rendered cottage which may be of significant age and may originally have been thatched.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
