94 High Street, Waddesdon
None recorded
Former cobbler's shop, probably C19.
Former cobbler’s shop. Two storey red brick building. Relatively steep pitched gable roof with
ridgeline running parallel with the carriageway. Brick end stacks – dentilated brick pattern to left
hand (facing) stack, right hand stack appears to have been rebuilt. Roof laid in slate with decorative
red ridge tiles. Central recessed entrance door flanked to the right (facing) by canted bay window.
Recessed entrance and wall and window to the left (facing)of entrance have been rebuilt. Two
three over three arched headed timber sashes to first floor Both windows sit beneath decorative
stone lintels and above projecting sills. Despite alterations this building has been identified as being
of local note because it is prominently positioned at the front of its plot and because it retains a
number of attractive and original architectural features including ridge tiles, original sashes to first
floor, canted bay to ground floor and decorative window surrounds. Local Building of Note in conservation area (1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Former cobbler's shop, probably C19.Date Listed