92 High Street, Waddesdon


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


C19 former grocer's shop. Former grocer’s shop. Two and a half storey building set slightly back from the rear edge of the pavement behind a low metal railings. Front elevation constructed with brown brick with buff coloured quoins, window arches and stringcourse. Relatively steep pitched gable roof with ridgeline running parallel with the carriageway. Brick end stacks. Two gables of varying widths break the eaves line, that to the left (facing) positioned above a two storey canted bay. Entrance door positioned off centre on ground floor, flanked to the right (facing) by two modern bay windows. This portion of the front elevation has been rebuilt. Despite alterations to the ground floor fenestration, this building has been identified as a local note building because of its scale and visual prominence. The colour of the brown bricks on the principle elevation is usual and used in contrast with buff coloured bricks increases the visual prominence of the building. Local Building of Note in conservation area (1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

C19 former grocer's shop.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
