79, 81, 83 and 85 High Street, Waddesdon


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Row of former almshouses, rebuit or repaired in 19th and 20th centuries. Row of former almshouses dating back to the 17th century which were repaired in the 19th and 20th centuries. Constructed almost entirely in rubblestone which is unusual in a village characterised strongly by brick. Prominently positioned on the southern side of the high street a short distance back from the carriageway. Two storeys in height the building sits beneath a steeply pitched gable roof laid in tiles. Regularly positioned mid ridge and gabled end stacks create a strong architectural rhythm to the roofscape which is reinforced by a series of small gabled dormer which break the eaves line at regular intervals. This building is significant on a number of levels. It is important because it is one of the oldest surviving buildings within the village, because of its social history and also because of its rubblestone construction. In addition it is a prominent building that makes a strong visual contribution to the appearance of the streetscape. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Row of former almshouses, rebuit or repaired in 19th and 20th centuries.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
