68 High Street, Waddesdon


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Two storey brick building, originally a farriers, which retains the majority of its original external features. Two storey detached brick building. Originally a farriers. Sitting beneath a gabled roof, the ridgeline of which runs parallel with the carriageway. Roof laid in slate. Brick chimney positioned on ridgeline. Two entrance doors centrally positioned to ground floor. That to the left (facing) is greater in width than that to the right (Facing) Both doors are simple painted wooden plank doors and sit beneath simple stone lintel. Doors flanked by painted timber four over four sash windows Again sash to the left (facing) is wider than that to the right. Two, three over three painted timber sash windows to first floor. Centrally positioned painted timber sign between first floor sashes. This building is set some distance back from the carriageway but maintains a building line with The White Lion public house. It is a prominent feature within the street scene, partly because it is detached and partly because it is set back and therefore feels as though there is space around it. The building is also important because it retains the majority of its original external features. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Two storey brick building, originally a farriers, which retains the majority of its original external features.

Images and Documents

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