13, 15 High Street, Waddesdon


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Late C19 terrace cottages. Row of terrace cottages. Two storeys in height set beneath shallow pitched gable roof, laid in slate. Regularly positioned chimney stacks break up the roof line and give rhythm to the streetscape. Set back slightly from the road, the buildings are constructed of buff coloured bricks with red brick lintels. Regular fenestration pattern. Despite loss of original windows, the scale, form, massing and outline of these buildings are in-keeping with the late 19th century character of the street. They also form part of a group with 17, High Street which retains its original windows. Cumulatively these properties provide a strong building line, creating a hard definition to the street edge and containing views. For all of these reasons they are considered to be of local significance. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Late C19 terrace cottages.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
