The Limes, Queen Street, Waddesdon


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


C19 or C20 building with decorative features common to other Rothschild buildings in the village. Two storey red brick building situated a short distance back from the carriageway within a spacious plot. Building sits beneath a gabled roof laid in slate, the ridgeline of which runs parallel with the carriageway. Asymmetrical principal elevation with enclosed lean-to porch to left hand (facing) side and two storey canted bay to right (facing). Apex of canted bay articulated with applied timbers between panels of pebbledash. Band of decorative hung tiles between ground and first floor windows of canted bay. Windows mixtures of timber casements and timber mullion and transom. Blue/black bricks used for quoins provide colour contrast with red bricks of walls. Simple, but attractive building which in its decorative detail picks up a number of characteristic elements of other Rothschild buildings within the village and which cumulatively form a key element in establishing the special character of Waddesdon. Local Heritage Asset in conservation area (1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

C19 or C20 building with decorative features common to other Rothschild buildings in the village.

Images and Documents

Date Listed
