Land north of Tingewick Road


None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Roman activity and Pre-medieval coaxial field system identified through geophysical survey and trial trench evalaution. All geophysical anomalies were identified in the trenches. In the western field significant archaeology appears to be limited to a ditch relating to a small Roman enclosure, upto 2m wide and 0.40m deep the fill contained 2nd-century pottery, identified in Trench 4. Trenches in the eastern field targeted 2 enclsoures identified by the geophysics survey. A significant number of features not identified by the geophysics survey were also identified during the evaluation: walls, stone surfaces, and additional ditches. The inverted L-shaped feature comprises a stone wall footing, aligned north-south, and an east-west aligned ditch. The length of the wall would suggest that it that it represents a large enclsoure or land division, rather than the footing for a structure. The wall is located immediately east of a possible cobbled Roman trackway. In T21 the surface appeared to be slightly cambered with larger, less worn stones along the centre line with flanking ditches. Intrepreted as a trackway or possibly a minor road (B1)


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Roman activity and Pre-medieval coaxial field system identified through geophysical survey and trial trench evalaution.

Images and Documents

Date Listed

06 Aug 2024