The Old House, 38 Station Road
None recorded
Late eighteenth or nineteenth century house in Station Road
Late 18th, 19th century house? Prominently situated at the junction of Station Road and Ladysmith Road. Two storeys, rendered, with shallow pitched part gabled, part hipped roof laid in slate. Ridge stacks and external end stack to north-west elevation. Regular window arrangements to Station Road elevation. Modern windows. All elevations partially obscured by high brick boundary wall, fence and hedging. This building is significant because of its age, architectural features, detailing and prominent position. It makes a positive visual contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and is visually prominent in the street scene. Despite alterations, the building retains its simple, form massing and outline. A local note building within the conservation area of Ivinghoe (B1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Late eighteenth or nineteenth century house in Station RoadDate Listed