Rear of 87 High Street
None recorded
Nineteenth century factory building at rear of 87 High Street
87 High Street is known to have operated as a bakery historically with a variety of other commercial operations taking place within the rear yard and outbuildings. The outbuilding is evident in historic mapping from 1900 and appears to pre-date the existing outrigger extensions to No.87. The building is believed to be a small 19th century industrial factory, at one time producing saccharin and also having operated as a brush factory. It retains its original materiality and form, and some detailing in the rounded corner bricks, brick window and door arches and relatively open internal spatial division. There is clear evidence of earlier window and door openings, including a first floor elevated doorway.
This type of historic rear yard factory development is identified as characteristic and significant within the Conservation Area of Winslow, but mostly now lost to unsympathetic residential conversion. The surviving outbuilding is a rare example of an unconverted historic rear yard factory development, and is considered significant due to its age, rarity, positive contribution to the historic environment through its remaining aesthetic value, historical interest and its social and communal value as a source of local distinctiveness and identity (B1).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Nineteenth century factory building at rear of 87 High StreetDate Listed