1-4 New Villas


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Two pairs of early twentieth century Arts and Crafts-style cottages built in 1933 Arts and Crafts style cottages which complement the localised architectural style, rich materiality and detailing inc. oak framing, decorative herringbone brick. Constructed in 1933 (from Local Authority planning records), no.s 1,2, 3 & 4 The Villas form two pairs of semi-detached cottages. Each are different in their detailing, but seem to have been designed around the same time to be sympathetic to and complement the localised architectural character. They demonstrate a wealth of rich materiality and detailing and display a strong Arts and Crafts influence. All four buildings make a positive contribution to the principle western approach to the Nether Winchendon Conservation Area and the wider historic environment. The principle significance of these buildings is found in their group value and aesthetic appearance as demonstrated by the rich materiality with visible timber frame detailing, decorative herringbone brick patterns to upper levels, clay roof tiles and lead light windows (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Two pairs of early twentieth century Arts and Crafts-style cottages built in 1933

Images and Documents

Date Listed
