The Boot, 51 High Road


None recorded



Historic or particularly important modern buildings.


Mid-nineteenth century public house, known as The Boot Inn Mid 19th century public house. The building's significance lies in its historic interest – it dates to the mid C19th; evidential interest – it demonstrates the development of the settlement. It is notable for its prominent location and proximity to the countryside setting. It is a large site, which has altered over time with the loss of various outbuildings, understood to be associated with the inn use, as well as changes to surrounding development, seen for example between the 1881 and 1925 OS maps. Aesthetic and architectural interest – it is a prominent building on the corner and features such as the sash windows, hipped roof and overall form are of interest to the front, whilst there have been a number of changes to the rear, the gable projection is considered of interest too, for example the brickwork and features such as windows. Communal interest – given its use as a pub (B1).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Mid-nineteenth century public house, known as The Boot Inn

Images and Documents

Date Listed
