None recorded
Other site, structure or landscape
Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.Description
Medieval and post-medieval deer park at Langley Park, first mentioned 1202
References to park from 1280. In C14/C15 parker separately appointed. 1605 survey shows neglect. All beech, & rotten (further detail) (B2).
First mention: 1202. Reference to parkers & slaughter of 6 bucks in 1536. J Kederminster was keeper in 1607 & rebuilt the lodge. Park still had 220 fallow deer in 1867 (Shirley)(B6).
Plan of 1603 shows the park pale, a gate and 3 deer leaps on the northern boundary, a lodge, and several wooded compartments, pasture, meadows and areas of 'laune' (B8).
Plan of 1607 shows the park boundary with 2 gates, several wooded compartments and 'New Lawne', and Langley House (presumably the manor house built by John Kedderminster?) (B9).
Statement of Significance
Asset type
Medieval and post-medieval deer park at Langley Park, first mentioned 1202Date Listed