
None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Site of the medieval Cistercian abbey of Medmenham, possibly with evidence for earlier occupation ABBEY FOUNDED 1204 ON LANDS GRANTED TO WOBURN ABBEY. FIRST FOUNDATION FAILED, BUT HOUSE BUILT & INHABITED BY 1213. AT DISSOLUTION ONLY THE ABBOT & 1 MONK REMAINED. DEDICATED TO ST MARY (B1-4). INCOMPLETE LIST OF ABBOTS 1256-1536 (B3). SUPPRESSED BEFORE 8/7/1536 (B5). NO ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS (B2,6). Evidence from a series of watching briefs carried out by Mike Farley in 1999-2000 results in re-interpretation of abbey plan. Finds of pottery, burials and buildings pre-dating the 13th century, suggests use of the site for a pre-Cistercian phase of the monastic complex or possibly the presence of a mid to late Saxon Christian structure, built on an eyot in the Thames. See report for detail (B19).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Site of the medieval Cistercian abbey of Medmenham, possibly with evidence for earlier occupation

Images and Documents

Date Listed
