
None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Saxon or medieval cross-dyke recorded in field survey Dimensions - Length 0220 m Plan Form - LINEAR LINEAR EARTHWORK: BANK 1.7M HIGH & DITCH (TO N) 1M DEEP. RUNS ACROSS VALLEY FLOOR FROM SU81279755-81009740 & VISIBLE ON AP'S AT SU80759715. NON DEFENSIVE. DARK AGES OR LATER TERRITORIAL BOUNDARY? (B1). PERHAPS THE 'FASTENDICH' REFERRED TO IN 1197 & LATER, MISSENDEN CARTULARY, CAL.INQ.P.M. ETC (B2). Watching brief carried out by Oxford Archaeology in December 2008 during groundworks for building conversionat Slough Bottom Farm found no evidence for the continuation of the earthworks beneath the building. The earthwork may have been levelled and ploughed out or there may have been a gap in the bank at this point. See report for detail (B3).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Saxon or medieval cross-dyke recorded in field survey

Images and Documents

Date Listed
