
None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Twentieth century records of Deverill's gravel pit DEVERILL'S PIT IS S EXTENSION OF PUSEY'S PIT, ALSO CALLED BURNHAM BEECHES PIT. WORKED IN 1920'S-30'S. TREACHER COLLECTED FROM PUSEY'S PIT IN 1926 (B1-3,B7 ). NUMEROUS FLINTS FROM BOYN HILL TERRACE GRAVELS HERE (B4-6). PIT OVERGROWN; SOME GRAVEL LEFT. ALSO KNOWN AS CROW PIECE LANE (MR BAYLEY'S FINDS)(B2-3). Two large pits (Cooper's Pit and Deverill's Pit), the former immediately north of the other. Treacher collected from here and recorded his material as 'Burnham Beeches' and did not distinguish in most instances between the two pits (the Boyn Hill Gravel is one continuous spread). Some sections were cut in 1954 in the basal gravels remaining of Deverill's Pit and several flakes were found in-situ. In 1995-6 Cooper's Pit had been levelled, landscaped and a house built within it; Deverill's Pit had a house within it at the north end and was part of the adjacent landfill site at the other end. Assessed as a Lower Palaeolithic find spot of particular importance (B8-9).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Twentieth century records of Deverill's gravel pit

Images and Documents

Date Listed
