SOUTH END, LECKHAMPSTEAD house platforms and trackways


None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


House platforms and trackways are clearly visible on aerial photographs and pottery finds correspond to medieval property boundaries PART OF SHRUNKEN VILLAGE OF LIMES END MANOR (B3). HOUSE PLATFORMS VISIBLE ON APS (B1). UP TO 6 PLATFORMS IN FIELD S OF ROAD BETWEEN HOME & MIDDLE FARMS, WITH ASSOCIATED TRACKWAYS. PATTERN LESS OBVIOUS N SIDE OF ROAD (SEE CASS CARD); POSS QUARRYING HERE (B3). WELL PRESERVED BACK STREET (B3). 387 sherds of pottery were recovered during fieldwalking in the field north of the road. The concentrations of medieval pottery were found in the south of the field where the back boundary of the tofts and house platforms are clearly visible on aerial photographs. There is also a clear, linear discolouration in the soil passing through the centre of the field on an axis between Wetherhead Farm and Home Farm which reveals the back boundary of the tofts. The thin scatters of Romano-British pottery indicates that this was ploughland (B4).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

House platforms and trackways are clearly visible on aerial photographs and pottery finds correspond to medieval property boundaries

Images and Documents

Date Listed
