Swanbourne Tumps: North Mound


None recorded


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Two possible medieval windmill mounds that may have also been boundary markers, lying either side of the the Swanbourne - Hoggeston parish boundary, Two mounds adjoining, probably boundary mounds (B2). Known locally as the 'Swanbourne Tumps', the 2 mounds lie either side of parish boundary. The relationship between the 2 mounds is unclear (B3). Both mounds shown on 1599 Salden Estate Map along with the field name ‘Windmill Hill field’ (B4). The Northern mound measures length 18 m x width 12m x height 2m. It is slightly elongated N-S. It has a level top with traces of a cut from the centre towards the NW. Partly surrounded by shallow scoops, with causeways. Possible mill mound (B3). Three medievel sherds have been recovered from the northernmost mound (B4). The southern mound measures length 30 m x width 23m and is oval in plan form. It is also slightly elongated N-S. Has a concave top. There is ridge and furrow adjoining the base of the mound, and is it built partly on ridge and furrow and a headland (B3). Partly bulldozed (B4). Now levelled (B5). Profile is still visible. Two pieces of millstone grit were recovered from the site (B6).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Two possible medieval windmill mounds that may have also been boundary markers, lying either side of the the Swanbourne - Hoggeston parish boundary,

Images and Documents

Date Listed

06 Aug 2024